Shake Roof Update
We have received $6,000 in donations in the month of December. November and December donations have put us VERY CLOSE to our goal. Thank you all so much! December donations will be matched up to $10,000. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation before the end of 2022.
Published December 27, 2022
Let’s Raise the Roof
Ebenezer and Mary Ann’s house needs a new roof. The original roof was shake shingles from Mt. Graham (no longer available). We were able to get a quote for premium quality shakes with a 40-year warranty. They are preservation treated and fire retardant.We are asking everyone to buy a shake, or lots of shakes, at $5.00 a piece. We need 4,000 shakes to complete the job. Please shake loose a little for a lot of shakes.
Published November 1, 2022
Published November 1, 2022
Heritage Days Bake Sale
At Ebenezer & Mary Ann Bryce home Homemade cinnamon rolls and other baked goods. We’ll also have tours available. Saturday, April 23, 2022 8:00-noon 6384 Bryce-Eden Rd Bryce, AZ 85543
Published April 20, 2022
Financial Update
The Ebenezer Bryce Foundation with the help of family and friends has received $74,461.16 in donations. Thank You! The donations have ranged from $10 to $10,000 and each and every donation is appreciated. These donations have enabled the Foundation to purchase the home Ebenezer built and now we move into the restoration phase. This home will be a valuable legacy to all his descendants, one we can be proud to support.
The home was purchased for $65,473 including closing costs. The Foundation also paid $ 2,875 in survey and legal costs. Recently a conditional needs assessment was completed for a cost of $ 7,186.75. Other fees and services amount to $188.20.
The foundation also has a note payable of $ 5000.
From this financial report you can see the Ebenezer Bryce Foundation is in good standing; however from the needs assessment report we know much more is needed to preserve and restore the home. We are not done yet! Our first goal is to put a new roof on the house. The Foundation will be reaching out to family and friends for help in buying the shingles needed to protect the house.
There have also been many hours of service donated to cleaning the property. This service is appreciated and has made the property look very good.
Thank you for all you do!
Published April 12, 2022
Yard Sale/Bake Sale
The yard sale / bake sale will be held this weekend, April 9, 2022 at 7:00. Everyone is invited to come join in the fun whether you are buying or selling or both. All proceeds benefit the Ebenezer Bryce Foundation. You can also find more information on our Facebook page.
Published April 5, 2022
Spring-Cleaning Yard Sale
We will be having a Spring-Cleaning Yard Sale to benefit the Ebenezer Bryce Foundation. We would like to invite everyone to come out and contribute quality items from their own spring cleaning to benefit the foundation and to come out and shop.
The sale will be on Saturday April 9th from 7:00-noon. Items can be dropped off the evening before from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM or Saturday morning.
Published March 21, 2022
Pictures and Documents
Please share any pictures and documents you may have available that the foundation can use in our restoration and historical effort. Family photos, pictures of the house, pictures of Bryce AZ, family stories or anything you feel might be of interest. Send to:
Published March 17, 2022
Work Project
You’re invited! Saturday the 19th at 9:00 to 11:00 we will be working at the Ebenezer and Mary Ann Bryce property continuing the worthy effort to preserve and restore the house and property for all family and friends to enjoy for years to come. A big thanks goes out to all those who have helped in the past and plan to help this Saturday.
Published March 17, 2022